Time-tested Tips For Achieving Your Fitness Goals May 23, 2021 Comments Off on Time-tested Tips For Achieving Your Fitness Goals Posted in: Health To maintain proper fitness, it is important to combine proper diet with exercise. Just one or the other alone, will not accomplish most fitness goals. You need to exercise, at least, three times a week. Also, be sure to cut down on foods that are high in sugar, carbs and fat, to maintain heart health. One way to stay healthy with your fitness routine is to make sure that your bench has enough padding when doing weight training. The padding is there for more than your comfort – it also is there to prevent injury. If there is not enough padding, you can severely hurt your spine and also cause nerve damage. A great fitness tip for runners who experience sore calves would be to sleep on your belly and let your feet dangle off the bed. Over the course of the night, your calves will stretch out just from … Continue reading
Try These Ideas For Improving Your Fitness Plans May 1, 2021 Comments Off on Try These Ideas For Improving Your Fitness Plans Posted in: Health When we are young, fitness comes easily. We play sports or are active in our daily life. But sometime during middle age, our fitness tends to decline. And in our retirement years we may begin to really pay a price for letting our fitness wane. This doesn’t have to happen. Here are some tips that will help to make your story a happy one of continued fitness throughout life. If someone is looking for a new way to improve their fitness, taking a martial arts class can be exciting, interesting, challenging, and also fun. The extra activity and exercises that are associated with the martial arts class are new to the body and will serve to improve fitness levels. Keep your goals short and simple as you start on a new fitness program. You can easily overwhelm yourself if, after a lifetime of being a couch potato, you decide you … Continue reading